


EA 2015 is not only a variety of work take turns to appearance, also have old rivals infighting, such as 2016 FIFA 16 and live football. The latter have played out, the former exactly what's new? Although FIFA 16 early acheter fifa 16 crédits compte fifa release, we started in addition to women's women's women's team, other what all don't know.Inevitably there are players to worry.

EA Sports said in FIFA 16 , they should not only consider the old players, also have to think of some way to attract new players. Easy to use, therefore, is the most important. Team a UI is designed exclusively for new players, it can always remind players what operation, under what circumstances can be taken to press any key to implement and so on. "It's like a experts have been with you." EA Sports official said in a statement. In addition, the FIFA 16 challenge mode is no longer only pay attention to the difficulty, but many novice to practice the basic skills of new content.


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