


Orchitis, a cause of infertility, commonly is caused by bacterial or virus infection. As is known, the testicle is the factory of sperm. And once the factory is infected and without timely treatment, men’s reproductive ability can be affected greatly. Therefore, how to cure the orchitis also becomes the top concern of orchitis patients. Then how does the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a herbal pill that is accepted by more and more orchitis patients, work on this disease?

Orchitis can be classified into acute and chronic two types. Acute orchitis is caused by spreading bacteria like E.coil via blood circulation, while the chronic orchitis commonly develops from acute specific orchitis. As for the symptoms, typical symptoms are pain on testicle which commonly can radiate to the thigh and swelling of testicle. 
In the view of TCM, the sluggish blood circulation and toxic materials are the major causes of orchitis, therefore, to cure the orchitis, functions like promoting blood circulation and clearing away heat and toxic materials are needed.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has a strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect
As I mentioned before, the orchitis commonly is caused by bacterial or virus infection, and the herbal pill - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has a strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect. Therefore, no matter what type of bacteria or pathogenic microorganism the cause is, it can be cleared away by this herbal pill. Moreover, no drug resistance makes this herbal pill suitable for a long time taking even there is no need. 
Activating blood and resolving stasis are the second function of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill
Since the sluggish blood circulation is also a cause of orchitis, activating blood circulation is necessary. Herbs like Safflower in Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can activate blood and resolve stasis, so the congestion can be eliminated and symptoms like swelling can be eased too. What’s more, this function can also shorten the treating time because it has channel ushering drug which can lead the effective herbs working on lesion area directly.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can also improve immunity and self-healing ability
It is hard for testicle to be attacked by infection if men have strong immunity. What’s more, the damaged testicle also need some time to recovery, so man needs to improve the immunity and self-healing ability. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill also has the function that every TCM pill has - improving immunity and self-healing ability. So the improved immune system can prevent invasions of bacteria and other bad materials, and the improved self -healing ability can shorten the healing time and release pain.


ビジネスマン、芸術家、スポーツマン、発明者 - - 成功した人々はあなたが思うよりも共通点の方のものを持っているそれは、彼らが誰であるかは問題ではありません。

これらの共通の態度や資質は彼らが他の人が彼らの個人的な悩みを超えて上昇し、エルメネジルドゼニア アウトレット競合他社を上回る、表示されていないものを見るうえで非常に効果的であった。言い換えれば、それらは成功考え方を有している。



- ビジョンとフォーカスを持っている。

成功した人々は、常にどのような場合、その理由ではない聞いて、楽しみにしてエルメネジルドゼニア 店舗調整される。それは彼らが創造的な心の開発に役立つ新しいことについては、この生得的好奇心と開放性である。創造的な心は、存在を越えて見ることができます。それが気に人を閉じそうでなければ利用できない可能性との組み合わせを見ることができます。

それは、叫んでそれらを保持ビジョンと焦点の粘り強さのこの意味である「ユリーカを! "皆ながら頭を悩まれている。


短いジーンズの偉大なペアを見つけるのに苦労?アメリカの平均的な女性は5'4が "、なぜすべてのクエルメネジルドゼニア 店舗ー ルなジーンズは、本当ですか?それらの6'アマゾンのために作られ、誰が35持っている「股下?これは、ハードファッションジーンズの世界今日短いことだ と最も小柄なジーンズはそれをカットしないでください。はい、私たちは、ステープルを持っているし、これらの迅速な裾の仕事のためにマスキングテープ、は い、私たちはオフにハッキングしたすべての裾でキルトを作ることができますが、ラックから大きな権利を見たいとき、それらは、小さな快適です。行うには短 い女の子は何ですか?




ス トレートレッグのスタイルが戻って復讐ともあり、彼らは偉大なアップ手錠を見て、カフがテーラーを訪問することなく、短いジーンズの最速ルートである (ちょうどあなたのカフがあまり広くないことを確認してください)。かかとや視覚的にあなたの足の長さを延長します素敵な先のとがったつま先のフラットで それらをペアリング。ストレートも裾に簡単です。


Is prostatitis a sexual transmitted disease?

Prostate diseases is one of the most common diseases in men, which concludes prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. But in a lot of patients' view, prostate diseases always have business with "sex" or they even take it for granted that prostate diseases are STDs. In a result, they feel shamed to see a doctor and merely buy medicines. In the estimation of the clinical study, there are seven mistaken ideas in the knowledge of prostate diseases. 

Mistaken idea 1: Prostatitis is contagious.
Pathogens can not be found in the overwhelming majority of patients who have prostatitis. Commonly, it is called non-bacterial prostatitis, which is not a contagious disease. Generally speaking, chronic prostatitis patients can have sexual intercourse, but can not frequently. 
Mistaken idea 2: Antibiotic is a must for treating prostate diseases.
As a matter of fact, a large number of chronic prostatitis patients suffer from non-bacterial prostatitis. This type of prostatitis is often caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, antibiotic is not a good choice for the treatment. However, eating more fruit and vegetables but less meat in addition to regular diet is of great advantage to protect prostate.  
Mistaken idea 3:Prostatitis is same with hyperplasia.
Usually, many patients mistake prostatitis for prostate hyperplasia. What's more, some suffers still hold the view that chronic prostatitis can lead to prostate hyperplasia directly. In fact, this two diseases are totally different in characteristic. Their causes and pathology are not the same, they are two substantive diseases.
Mistaken idea 4: Prostatitis is a sexual transmitted disease. 
Frequent urine, urinary urgency or low desire of sex are symptoms that can be easily misunderstood as symptoms of STDs diseases. Combined with misuse of antibiotics, the condition can be worse. Actually, these symptoms are always proved as symptoms of prostatitis. 
Mistaken idea 5: Intercourse should be forbidden for prostatitis patients.
Obvious decrease or entire resistance does not benefit patients. Contrarily, it affects patients' mental health a lot. It is certified that measurable intercourses do good to metabolism of prostate and accelerate the of the inflammation.
Mistaken idea 6: Taking place of medicines or treatment optionally is available. 
To treat prostatitis, especially bacterial prostatitis, sensitivity pattern medicine should be used. Besides, do not change the medicine frequently. It takes a period to relieve symptoms, usually, two weeks is required in early treatment. If the medicine is replaced of, flora can be disturbed or drug resistance appears, which can consequently lead to treatment failure.
Mistaken idea 7: Only surgery can be applied to prostatic hyperplasia. 
When patients show light symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia, they can adjust diets, habits and customs, and with appropriate medicines, these symptoms can be relieved or even eradicated. Patients ought to drink the right amount of water, abstain from alcohol, and avoid holding back urine or exhaustion. Because those are important self-therapies. In addition, if symptoms of hematuria, uronephrosis, vesical calculus occur, patients must receive surgery treatment.


What causes an enlarged prostate gland?

The causes of prostate gland enlargement (BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia) haven't been determined with certainty. In men in their 20s and 30s, the gland weighs 20 grams (two-thirds of an ounce — not very big). After age 50, the gland grows. From age 50 to 60, half the male population develops an enlarged gland. By their 80s, 80 percent of men have a gland that is much larger than it was early in life.

The combined influence of estrogen and testosterone are possible reasons why the gland gets bigger. (Men do produce estrogen.) Furthermore, the gland becomes more sensitive to other growth factors at older ages. Genes have a hand in all this. The tendency for prostate enlargement is passed from father to son.
A large prostate gland interferes with bladder emptying. Men with a large gland, therefore, have to empty their bladders frequently. Nighttime is punctuated with awakenings and trips to the bathroom to relieve the pressure from a quickly filled bladder.
But Pay attention that you have more than an enlarged gland. If you have an inflammation of the gland - prostatitis, you need to clear inflammation. Such inflammation is often due to an infection. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the medicine for prostatirtis and enlarged gland. It facilitate urine flow and eliminate inflammation. The herbal medicine is to be needed.
